Sunday, April 15, 2012


Due to several requests, I went ahead and made it easier to read my story from beginning to end.  I went back to each post and edited it with a link at the bottom to read the next part.  Should make it a lot easier!

The Start
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7
Part 8
Part 9
The End

I've been pretty busy with 'life', so I apologize for not blogging much.  I feel that my story was told and that hopefully I've been able to help someone feel like there is still hope if they wish to break free and live their own life.  There is help out there; Footsteps.  There are support networks galore.  You are not alone!

I've read Deborah Feldman's book. Wow. She has a great amount of courage and bravery and I am in awe of her strength and perseverance. Certainly nice to hear someone publicly vocal about the truths.  Being orthodox isn't all peaches and cream as depicted on recent Oprah shows.

Anyway, I am still alive and well on my end.  I may not be as vocal a blogger as others, but I certainly do reply to emails and will blog more when time allows.

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